Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Missed Period Soft Cervix

land does not lie.

Dieter ran out of the house of stumbling over the threshold. Is five years old, and ever so doing. Sunday obiad not be able to stop it at home and rushes to the court when he can, eating on the run and getting lost in the rush more noodles. Scorching May, farmers and their families stroll around the village following the memorial from the freshly wymurowanego memory of the victims of the war just past. Still, nobody knows that this war in the future will be called first. No one thought of the other. Dieter's mother did not pay attention to the baby come out of the house, although it almost capsized the vessel at the hands of the stack. She still looks out the window toward the station and waits. Dieter is playing in the yard, years between the old apple trees. Mother of meditation awakens dull clank rozdeptanego porcelain plate. Dieter and his mother is in the eye. He does not see her behind the curtains, but he knows that he saw his sad face and new sandals ubabrane sauce. But she knows that she will not scream.

I'm not a master of this kind of history. Maybe it's better that I do not acts out. Every day here proves to me that the title to a piece of land does not give me a quiet thinking about his possession of a special connection with him. It's just a contract. Overall, possession of such portion of the "eternal" objects by being so unstable, like a man - it sounds ridiculous. But there is yet another way. Just go to the garden and get ready the ground for the lawn to dig up part of the story. Once the home of the parents dug an old bicycle bell, he was a factory in Olawa such accessories. Somewhere we have a clothes hanger of spent Ohlau the logo and name. This passage is one of three excavated today. Only with the signature. Altwasser is now a district of Wałbrzych (Aqua Antiqua in the Middle Ages, when our old Zdrój). The network has complete information about porcelain factory Tielschera, including signatures. The above is from the years 1934 to 1945. Apparently, the factory is a weak period, although this fragment whiteness is unusual. It's still very difficult to think that it is an accidental exile. People want so much to forget that this land is not theirs, that they lost their history and have maintained that which has grown here over the years. Ultimately, we do not have any. There is no Lower Silesian cuisine, traditions, festivals and rituals. Not native.


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