Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Wife Transparent Blouse Showing

70 kilometrowielkanocnych

Blizanowice. The old farm and the end of the world, Biscuit labrador on a string. Highway will be behind the house.

I do not like radicalism, but I think it should not be allowed to build (and not only) in a different style than modernism. Fri. I

I do not like radicalism, but I think it should not be allowed to build (and not only) in a different style than modernism. Fri. II. Transformer station.

Cycling is perfect time to think about. Existential, philosophical, philosophical-existential, etc. I thought it was just a matter of fact I know very little, and my knowledge is based on the experiences of others. About what is good and the bad I also know from others. At school I was taught about the martyrdom of our people. As seen in the last illustrations - our martyrdom is intertwined with another, not always readily apparent. We do not like martyrdom other than ours. It is a monument to the memory of the victims of the First World War. array is probably forged in the cemetery epitaph pastor, the statue wmurowanym terrazzo. Even though it is difficult for someone to have a grudge. You live somewhere for the near Lviv, the end of the war and they put on the train, they were taking a long time (this time is always too long) and make us live where the seats and walls are still warm from the previous inhabitants, on the door and brought out more cemeteries: Gott mit uns . Get off the train first thought is what? That this transition? That'll be right back? They just come back? They? Through them we are here, because if not the war, we were still in the East. For these plates we fuck and beautiful shops. For fuck us take care of it. It is not our . Everything is relative. If he says not a German but a Nazi extermination camps, it should not be talking about the Germans, as for those for whom the war has come to pass, only about the Nazis, and every farmer in the country to blame? Hence, unless it's wrong that those who are still alive and want to organize themselves to talk about it? The more that can exist here yet. How is it that our media several years ago, thundered on the Eaglets' Cemetery in Ukraine, and we can not honor the memory of Germans and Jews? It is a matter of being a philo-Semite, or Germanophile, but just some fairness and lack of hypocrisy ... We do not need all the love, but I guess life goes on too short to squander it on overturning gravestones and marble panels reflecting the tombs? Better, a priest from some rural parishes, a few miles from me, got the idea to do with the old German graves walkway to the conduct of its own temple (also built by the Germans - link) , before which stood an obelisk commemorating the victims of War I . Obelisk turned into a chapel, a Prussian cross on a plaster Virgin Mary. I hear so much about the need for reconciliation and paranoid visions of power over the world by one nation. Secretive. It's ridiculous with the size of the world because such disputes can resemble the caricature of two flies on an elephant trying to share his and your .

It's all SPD pedals and shoes. The bike drives itself, so it is time to think.


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