Monday, May 30, 2011

2 Pimples On Both Sides Of The Penis

Exhibition Wojciech Wilczyk impressive. Feel a great hunger after just 20 paintings and quietly on the walls of the gallery could see them a hundred and I would feel tired, but better to leave the exhibition with a sense of positive dissatisfaction, than with reflecting the supersaturation. Alberta Centre for Photography, however, is fatal in a few places for a show (mezzanine and huge windows), which would have to be produced under a specific place (like a matt finish and no glass in the part of the pl. Nankiera. This exhibition is definitely better watching than previous - Łodziński and Kramarz. Maybe it's because that there were only "samples" from each cycle, and "there is no innocent eye" is more homogeneous. Besides, who lacks images, this will buy a great album released. Mass photography, very good lyrics. Reviews on the net is a lot, so I will not be extended on the topic.

picks up some "but" on the organizer. If someone decides to announcement of man and his work before an audience, should have a relatively large idea of \u200b\u200bwho he is and what he has to say (in the broad sense of the word). Mr Bortkiewicz unfortunately not by me, stood up to the task, makes me quite sad. In my next exhibition at the Gallery ZPAF in March 2010 the curator Anna Wolska has made broad and significant entry is not leaving me almost a field to maneuver, which was a good enough stage fright zatykała me. But I felt that I went there not by accident but because someone (guardian) has a specific vision, and by selecting artists in the gallery fulfills its vision. Multiplicity of meanings of simple images Wilczyk is so capacious that it can be served to guests to the gallery a good introduction to further "work" with that, why come here (not counting the regulars who come for the wine).

powisi Exhibition June 4 (!). As I mentioned a very good sign that this type of photo (Now Wilczyk previously Łodzińska and Huckabee) appeared in this space. I accept this as a good omen and I look forward to the next. Maybe in the end, the gallery will be born?

And after opening I found a beautiful building / restaurant for me. Tomorrow, the fight for a permission to enter the site.

I Broke My Usb For Wireless Mouse

37tc, some truths and myths of pregnancy

Just for posterity ..

1) whims - not quite in my case .., but it actually happened that after waking up I could umyślić myself that zjadłabym something (such as potato pancakes) and then walked all day the thought occurred to me and does nothing could free from it;) So finally, or J or teściówka usually met jedzonkowe wishes;)

2) Weight gain - not something I tried to specifically observe the rules: I'm eating for two, not two .. Maybe it's because I have a tendency to gain weight is not something I took myself specifically to this principle to heart and as I was ready for something - is absorbed, and specifically went for anyone to dinner, without a decent dinner, evening-we had to fry something in the night .. So of the two evils I'd better pull a decent dinner:)

3) Hormones, mood .. - Always It seemed like a poor excuse .. that pregnancy is a twist they stick to what they bring into the saliva that are capricious and sometimes unpleasant .. - As it turns out, there is something there .. These hormones actually exist, the rule and actually sometimes you can not control them .. In an instant asshole just leads to tears in a moment of anger / aggression, and the next time .. shame that something so trivial could cause such a reaction ..

4) First Trimester terrible, too nienajfajniejszy third, the second - the best - the truth is, you have to use these three months, I go by feeling sick, hormones like sleeping, stomach yet not so great, definitely - I would recommend:)

5) A pregnant woman may feel less attractive - not have noticed the amount of such thoughts .. Belly Front inhabited by a stowaway .. and so, not including anything unattractive in my opinion ..

6) Maternity Clothes - dearness maximum, not bought a single new piece of garment, uszytego specifically for trucks can get by without Trigger 160PLN for trousers, in which some pośmigasz, then ...? Same with tunikami, I think that is not worth it ..

7) Benefits of pregnant women (passing in the queues, the resolution of a seat on the tram) - as they most often react to what true men, but women too .. However, in markets generally favorable cash - closed or cash ghost .. I remember the worst state in the rail market in spożywczaku .. After some 20 minutes, one of the kobitek cried throughout the store: if they can handle the ladies out of sequence this lady from the belly? Obsłużyły, but what there was to my ...

8) should not be pregnant .. - The list is long and extensive .. I tried to use to eliminate coffee and switch to Anatole and there Inke, avoiding sharp sun .. blah, blah, blah .. but nothing came of it .. I can not, I do not want, I can not for example start a day without a cup of coffee .. and drank from a small 2-week break .. But recently I heard that's the strength ..

9) in pregnancy should be .. - Drink plenty of still water - I do not like, but I drank, and lubricate brzuchola cycole cream for stretch marks - perhaps not so very systematically, but rubbed, take vitamins kits for trucks - and I took a set and a separate calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium .. adheres well to other such 'should be' ..

10) Pregnancy problems - morning sickness - yes, vomiting - no, heartburn - YES, night cramps - YES, swelling of the legs - no, back pain and spine - yes, a variety of illnesses przyplątywanie - yes, with complexion problems - no, Breast pain - no, stretch marks - .. not yet, fatigue and drowsiness - in the first trimester - so, groin pain and cramps - so (...)

11) First, waiting for the baby's movements and then .. -;) Yes it is true, first wait for those around 20tc where they should receive the first, delicate baby's movements .. I am I started crying - admit when I first felt a great feeling .. And now, when these movements are so strong - I would prefer to sleep all the time dziecinek;) Without moving, of course ..

12) Preparing for this special day - there is something there;) a month earlier bag packed, clothes improvement, poprasowane, all ready .. waiting to be torn by the tenant;)

thinking I have more, but enough for today; estimate, if you persevere to the end of these my thoughts ..;)

away, waking up very early tomorrow, I have to go to research and came up with that I would go at 6 am, so I do not umęczył heat ..

:) * kisses!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Very Loud Music Dizzy

Nobody likes my music.

Today I was in Opole. The city is closed for good, he organized a marathon. After Photos I went after earning Groszka and together we went for coffee Lake Turawski. I have not been there for two years, when I promised myself my last there, stay home. I can not get rid of sentimental thinking about this place. boring everybody, every story there, and walk, what and where you lived, what was there and I'm wrong, that it no longer exists, and what was cool, and now it sucks.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Does Turner's Syndrome Affect A Certain Race

647 646

I just got back from the cinema. I was on Melancholy Lars von Trier, but did not write about the film. I have mixed feelings. Not even in the category of a good movie / bad movie, but try to comprehend the matter of what I experienced there. So in this respect probably worth seeing.

And today highlighted several szitek the construction of bypass road of Wroclaw. And this highway, and this energy. Whereas the latter is associated with the charges and it is natural, it This one and the fee is a certain novelty in the world. It is a pity that someone comes up with such ideas, not to mention the possibility of a potential implementation.

Friday, May 27, 2011

How To Hang Ceramic Wall Art

Quite strange. Clears a few things. The first is the street. Olawska is unlikely to be made more due to the fact that where there is an interesting location - all hid the leaves of trees. In total, it does not bother anything, but I'd like to keep some minimum usability. Well, sunrise occurs so early now that I do not want to just get up so quickly.

The second issue concerns the construction and antybudów (ie the stage where the product absorbs nature). But here still do not know how to verbalize what I want.

Another thing is that the July 27 concert in Wroclaw is a man who subscribes to the Biosphere project.

Another issue relates to the following Monday (30 May), when Wojtek Wilczyk opens its exhibition in Wroclaw in DCF Domek Romanski. It is hard to take that one after the other appear in this gallery of such things. Hardly freed from the wall Łodziński and Kramarz, and here Wilczyk. Both exhibitions characterized by the fact that before this type of photography is not hosted in the city. What's more, the upcoming exhibition, seems to be inserting a stick into an anthill. " Firstly, because Wilczyk I perceive as a person with polarized views on the topic of purity of the document (which has its pluses pluses positive and negative), and secondly that its cycle perceive as evidence that as a nation we are selfish primitive. Effectively destroyed all that was foreign and could push us forward (physically and / or culturally).

Finally something different than before. I stopped to immerse the Porcupine Tree, but Wilson's solo album is great, and even this very photogenic clip I like.

Oh, and Luke Biederman we think about the joint exhibition somewhere around autumn 2011. On Sunday I'm going to watch the gallery, the exhibition will be prepared at one place, rather large images (in the sense of B1 and B0).

Xerex Free Online Streaming

Action 'box sailor' successful:)

podpatrzony idea has been in Asia - the incident as a flowerpot on the windowsill with such a lifebelt, a different color, but I was enchanted by the detail.

figured to myself that this would look brilliant circle - 2 on each white pot, tied a red ribbon .. Ultimately, I wanted to buy bluszczyki - opleść drucikowych circles around them, but as angry with Leroy - the great ivy, not the pots could fit in the horticultural sector - some bidne, przywiędłe .. A circle has already been delivered by Mr. postman, so I bought another kwiatulki that landed in the pot klepsydrowych.

order did not go so smoothly - in the middle of shares it appeared that the tapes not enough .. Grrrr: / And from what I remember the lady in the yarn shop when they buy the tapes last time she wondered if even then it is not over .. Well, but it turned out that the last 5 meters on the album is still found:)

So I imagined it, maybe with the exception that the tapes were to be tied after the two sides of the pot, but I found that this is more fun, each pot with 2 wheels and a red bow:)

stones brought back from holiday this summer, wyzbieranych on the Greek beach, and has decorated the bathroom decor J, but it has been dismantled and were used as decorations this time of my decorations:)

And this picture taken from the yard ..

Well garland sewn by the owner of the blog

together Szymek saying. Śliiiiiczna !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased from the same allegrowicza wooden fish, which are acting perfectly as an extension chain to turn the brackets:)

Car of the city as soon as I saw yesterday a cool thing, but I went near her indifference - so far I do not know why, I'll try to fix this error, I just hope that I will not stay / I was not ubiegnięta: P


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eye Drop Corticosteroid On Crown Preperation

Heat and viral infection. The advantage of morbidity in the summer is to me more constant temperature. But there are those who are still indifferent. Today Piotr Komorowski started quite an interesting discussion on the recently Miroslav Tichy deceased (his work). It's quite strange figure, because on the one hand, this outsider, the other his life is not really a conscious choice, but a necessity. On one hand, great passions, or even obsessions, of the other depressing inability. Do Tichy was the Czech photography in what Nikifor in Polish painting?

Dress For Orpheum Theater

Fragrant gifts imieninkowe: D

teściówka This morning she went 'on the errands of the city' and nawiozła I behold these beautiful lavender bushes imieninkowych:) To be honest I had never lavender, or in pots or in the garden .. something like that happened, and here, at a time of 3 beautiful bushes, each with a different species:) A fragrant .. as the saying goes: per kilometer!

2 of them hit the skalniak among the stones ..

.. a after returning from work gave me ... J 5 more pots of lavender:) It's already a plan, which will eventually be located, it is associated with a terrace, and how there was no .. yes and that it is a very sensitive subject so ..

I also got a beautiful scented strawberry hanging, because any such mutated and strawberries on krzaczku ..

.. and flowers do not like strawberries, fragrant:)

I traditionally a few snapshots of gardenu, who day by day more and more beautiful ..

sown with 6 nasionek kobei climbing ultimately survived two, I hope that as the strongest link will give advice and will only grow, and nice to enjoy the eye ...

I teściówkowe Surfinias in wicker baskets waiting for bleaching ..

I cordially greet visitors *