Monday, May 2, 2011

Inexpensive Retaining Walls For My Flower Garden

Episode 90

Today my grandmother over 90 years. Is doing well, where is the mind that is 90 years. In retirement she spent two days, because after two days of free dealt with me since the end of maternity leave my mother, until the middle of primary school. I finished school and went to Grandma and waited until the mother returning from school will call me home. At the end of the square has always been a police station. There, the coolest thing happening. Under communism there popływały old, after Communion - Vento. Under communism, "the traffic on the square" meant that he is here with 10 cars, two of which were militia. Now, many cars on the square means no traffic. On the left of the outbuildings was a trooper and always smelled of glue at his door. Next was warzywniak, where you could buy a sunflower with decals of a car, or a lollipop, which had a plastic stick instead of the soldier. Lollipops rather not have the consistency of today's lollipops. On the right was a butcher (the so-called "gourmet"), house of bread, the Lord of the Spirit (Spirit of Mr. Shoe), a poor tailor and hairdresser. At Grandma was a mortician, where Grandma worked a lot of time. I used to tell all to himself again. Sam can not wait. Yesterday I told

Carolina, as it was 10 years of my life "under communism," from what I remember from that time. A decade is a very long time to rewrite the memory.


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