Monday, May 30, 2011

2 Pimples On Both Sides Of The Penis

Exhibition Wojciech Wilczyk impressive. Feel a great hunger after just 20 paintings and quietly on the walls of the gallery could see them a hundred and I would feel tired, but better to leave the exhibition with a sense of positive dissatisfaction, than with reflecting the supersaturation. Alberta Centre for Photography, however, is fatal in a few places for a show (mezzanine and huge windows), which would have to be produced under a specific place (like a matt finish and no glass in the part of the pl. Nankiera. This exhibition is definitely better watching than previous - Łodziński and Kramarz. Maybe it's because that there were only "samples" from each cycle, and "there is no innocent eye" is more homogeneous. Besides, who lacks images, this will buy a great album released. Mass photography, very good lyrics. Reviews on the net is a lot, so I will not be extended on the topic.

picks up some "but" on the organizer. If someone decides to announcement of man and his work before an audience, should have a relatively large idea of \u200b\u200bwho he is and what he has to say (in the broad sense of the word). Mr Bortkiewicz unfortunately not by me, stood up to the task, makes me quite sad. In my next exhibition at the Gallery ZPAF in March 2010 the curator Anna Wolska has made broad and significant entry is not leaving me almost a field to maneuver, which was a good enough stage fright zatykała me. But I felt that I went there not by accident but because someone (guardian) has a specific vision, and by selecting artists in the gallery fulfills its vision. Multiplicity of meanings of simple images Wilczyk is so capacious that it can be served to guests to the gallery a good introduction to further "work" with that, why come here (not counting the regulars who come for the wine).

powisi Exhibition June 4 (!). As I mentioned a very good sign that this type of photo (Now Wilczyk previously Łodzińska and Huckabee) appeared in this space. I accept this as a good omen and I look forward to the next. Maybe in the end, the gallery will be born?

And after opening I found a beautiful building / restaurant for me. Tomorrow, the fight for a permission to enter the site.


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