Monday, May 16, 2011

20$ Brazilian Wax, Montreal

Wardrobe ... or .. chest? First clean the fountain

This question is meant for us for several months .. From the beginning, most is taken into account Pax Birkeland ikea wardrobe from "szprosowym" front, in Jankowska Ikea wymacana were so many times that we were actually committed to it .. And one day we visited Kasia GB and told us about their chest, as well they verified that the functional, keep everything in it (...), and from that day on we started to think about the chest of drawers to hide all the little things. And since that time it was zmacywana dresser, opened and closed .. until finally last week we went to buy:) I can not even
tell you how to exercise, because so dry Pikus bury all this, we'll see how things start to arrive and drawers will be non-stop open / close:) Visually
- full of admiration:)

: D **


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