Monday, May 30, 2011

I Broke My Usb For Wireless Mouse

37tc, some truths and myths of pregnancy

Just for posterity ..

1) whims - not quite in my case .., but it actually happened that after waking up I could umyślić myself that zjadłabym something (such as potato pancakes) and then walked all day the thought occurred to me and does nothing could free from it;) So finally, or J or teściówka usually met jedzonkowe wishes;)

2) Weight gain - not something I tried to specifically observe the rules: I'm eating for two, not two .. Maybe it's because I have a tendency to gain weight is not something I took myself specifically to this principle to heart and as I was ready for something - is absorbed, and specifically went for anyone to dinner, without a decent dinner, evening-we had to fry something in the night .. So of the two evils I'd better pull a decent dinner:)

3) Hormones, mood .. - Always It seemed like a poor excuse .. that pregnancy is a twist they stick to what they bring into the saliva that are capricious and sometimes unpleasant .. - As it turns out, there is something there .. These hormones actually exist, the rule and actually sometimes you can not control them .. In an instant asshole just leads to tears in a moment of anger / aggression, and the next time .. shame that something so trivial could cause such a reaction ..

4) First Trimester terrible, too nienajfajniejszy third, the second - the best - the truth is, you have to use these three months, I go by feeling sick, hormones like sleeping, stomach yet not so great, definitely - I would recommend:)

5) A pregnant woman may feel less attractive - not have noticed the amount of such thoughts .. Belly Front inhabited by a stowaway .. and so, not including anything unattractive in my opinion ..

6) Maternity Clothes - dearness maximum, not bought a single new piece of garment, uszytego specifically for trucks can get by without Trigger 160PLN for trousers, in which some pośmigasz, then ...? Same with tunikami, I think that is not worth it ..

7) Benefits of pregnant women (passing in the queues, the resolution of a seat on the tram) - as they most often react to what true men, but women too .. However, in markets generally favorable cash - closed or cash ghost .. I remember the worst state in the rail market in spożywczaku .. After some 20 minutes, one of the kobitek cried throughout the store: if they can handle the ladies out of sequence this lady from the belly? Obsłużyły, but what there was to my ...

8) should not be pregnant .. - The list is long and extensive .. I tried to use to eliminate coffee and switch to Anatole and there Inke, avoiding sharp sun .. blah, blah, blah .. but nothing came of it .. I can not, I do not want, I can not for example start a day without a cup of coffee .. and drank from a small 2-week break .. But recently I heard that's the strength ..

9) in pregnancy should be .. - Drink plenty of still water - I do not like, but I drank, and lubricate brzuchola cycole cream for stretch marks - perhaps not so very systematically, but rubbed, take vitamins kits for trucks - and I took a set and a separate calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium .. adheres well to other such 'should be' ..

10) Pregnancy problems - morning sickness - yes, vomiting - no, heartburn - YES, night cramps - YES, swelling of the legs - no, back pain and spine - yes, a variety of illnesses przyplątywanie - yes, with complexion problems - no, Breast pain - no, stretch marks - .. not yet, fatigue and drowsiness - in the first trimester - so, groin pain and cramps - so (...)

11) First, waiting for the baby's movements and then .. -;) Yes it is true, first wait for those around 20tc where they should receive the first, delicate baby's movements .. I am I started crying - admit when I first felt a great feeling .. And now, when these movements are so strong - I would prefer to sleep all the time dziecinek;) Without moving, of course ..

12) Preparing for this special day - there is something there;) a month earlier bag packed, clothes improvement, poprasowane, all ready .. waiting to be torn by the tenant;)

thinking I have more, but enough for today; estimate, if you persevere to the end of these my thoughts ..;)

away, waking up very early tomorrow, I have to go to research and came up with that I would go at 6 am, so I do not umęczył heat ..

:) * kisses!


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