Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ap Bio Wards Lab Eight

Today is so strange that I was doing everything possible to do not mess up. After yesterday evening I have a lesson. Better to do nothing and wait.

This song came to me in the head by accident. Soon I will tell more. What I like about him is that he became a background of broken dreams and fantasies realized and time freedom. In 1995, I listened to him in his asylum. In my school, as pierwszoklasista, sat in his room, belonging to a single circle photo. There was a counter, magnifax, trays, two wardrobes, fridge fastened with a padlock, desk and chairs. Plus the toilet and sink and two-chambered water tank. On the desk was a pile of German Directories - a small bible in sections, each dedicated to a different Nikon and Olympus. I had a folder F801s, F401, F601, F3, F4, Olumpusa 3Ti OM-, OM-4ti, Contax RTS III, BX20s Practica ... Photo of letters and mass of the eighties. I had a cassette brand Osaka won two years earlier in the competition PCK. I tape The Division Bell. I sat in a dark room and a total of just there I was free. I could (I could not get in the way formal) papierocha to smoke (I did not have lighters - fired soldering iron). They listened Cluster and waited until I become an artist. As much grief. By the darkroom, I managed to barely pass the the next class. But I could not take the blame himself. I would not trade this time for no other.


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